Hello Devs,
In today’s tutorial, we will see how we can programmatically clear previous messages in MessageManager to remove unwanted duplicate messages.
During development, you have faced the issue that some messages are not getting cleared when performing the same action again and it causes multiple messages on screen.
We can easily clear the message stack using the below default function.
Put the below code in your custom controller.
namespace Jigar\ClearMessageTutorial\Controller\Index;
class Index extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
protected $_pageFactory;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context,
\Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory $pageFactory)
$this->_pageFactory = $pageFactory;
return parent::__construct($context);
public function execute()
/*Your controller code*/
$message = __('Above line will remove all old messages from messageManager.');
/*Your controller code*/
As you can see in the above example, We have added $this->messageManager->getMessages(true); before our message. So it will clear all previous messages from the session and load messages after that line.
You can check the function defined in vendor/magento/framework/Message/Manager.php
* @inheritdoc
* @param bool $clear
* @param string|null $group
* @return Collection
public function getMessages($clear = false, $group = null)
$group = $this->prepareGroup($group);
if (!$this->session->getData($group)) {
$this->session->setData($group, $this->messagesFactory->create());
if ($clear) {
$messages = clone $this->session->getData($group);
return $messages;
return $this->session->getData($group);
I hope this tutorial was helpful.
See you in the next tutorial.
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