Magento gives you the ability to maintain shared catalogs with the custom pricing structure for different companies.
You can get Shared Catalog data by shared catalog id programmatically.
Magento\SharedCatalog\Api\SharedCatalogRepositoryInterface Interface used to get, delete and save Shared catalog related things.
class YourClass {
public function __construct(
\Magento\SharedCatalog\Api\SharedCatalogRepositoryInterface $sharedCatalogRepository
) {
$this->sharedCatalogRepository = $sharedCatalogRepository;
public function getSharedCatalog()
$sharedCatalogId = 1;
$sharedCatalog = $this->sharedCatalogRepository->get($sharedCatalogId);
print_r($sharedCatalog->debug(),true); //to debug shared catalog data
return $sharedCatalog;
You can then use it using by calling function $this->getSharedCatalog();
If you will print the output of the function it will return result like below.
Output :
"entity_id" => "1",
"name" => "Default (General)",
"description" => "Default shared catalog",
"customer_group_id" => "1",
"type" => "1",
"created_at" => "2023-05-16 11:55:38",
"created_by" => "19",
"store_id" => "0",
"customer_group_code" => "Default (General)",
"tax_class_id" => "3",
As you can see in the above result, you will get shared catalog-related data like Id, Name, Customer Group Id, etc.
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That’s it. Thanks for reading. Keep coding !!
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